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Tutoring Program


Korean student (tutor) helping a foreign student (tutee) in his university life on a one-to-one basis

Application Period

January/February (for the first semester), July/August (for the second semester)

Application Requirement

  • tutor : enterprising and active Korean and foreign enrolled undergraduate students
  • tutee : foreign students wanting help for classes and life in Korea

Activity Period

First semester (March~June), second semester (September~December) ※ 15 weeks per semester, overall 30 hours

Benefits and Obligations

Activity recorded in the report will be recognized as volunteer hours
One credit for students taking the ‘Subject of Social volunteering’ (30 volunteer hours, at least 10 volunteer activities required)

Documents to Submit

  • tutor : tutoring program proposition (beginning of the semester), activity feedback (after the end of the program), activity report of the volunteer student
  • tutee : activity feedback (after the end of the program)