모바일메뉴 열기
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Program Introduction

Program Introduction

The Division of Language Education at Kangwon National University offers a Korean Language Learning Program for non-native speakers. Our program is designed for foreigners who want to apply for undergraduate or graduate universities in Korea. It is combined with a course study of the basic textbooks and a practical program of various cultural experiences, which is desirable for both foreign students to adjust to the Korean life-style and overseas Koreans to have better understanding of Korean culture along with learning the Standard Korean. Our program is offered on a year-round basis, so you may choose to begin your studies when it is most convenient for you. The classes are divided into five levels, and all new students will take a placement test to study in a suitable class.

Course Description

Course DescriptionA table of Course Description consisting of Levels, Objectives and contents
Levels Objectives and Contents
Basic 1 (Level 1)
  • Introducing basic Korean vowels and consonants. Practice listening and speaking skills to enable to command simple sentences, and to write basic words in accurate grammar.
  • Basic daily-basis conversation: self introduction, greetings, etc.
  • Understanding basic Korean culture: food culture, Korean manners, etc.
Basic 2 (Level 2)
  • Learn new words and expressions, and expand your command of daily life conversation through learning simple rules of syntax and grammar.
  • Be more comfortable to use Korean in daily life, and be able to command proper frequently-used expressions both in personal and public places.
Middle 1 (Level 3)
  • Learn more complicate grammar deploying particles and so on; train various expressions in speaking and writing sentences.
  • Learn and use high level of grammar in order to be able to express opinions and to state complex situations in detail.
  • Read texts depicting various situations, then speak and write own opinions in proper grammar and syntax.
Middle 2 (Level 4)
  • Learn idiomatic expressions that are frequently used in daily life or in specific situations.
  • Train to properly manage the situations through learning to logically express the situations in schools and at workplaces.
  • Can express matters related to own study or business using specialized terms. Learn how to discuss on given topics, and be able to command logical expressions to persuade other people.
  • Learn more difficult texts from various genres, and be able to write in different styles.
Advanced (Level 5)
  • Through practicing to discuss general topics such as politics, economy, society, culture, and so on, learn to express own opinions and persuade others with speaking and writing.
  • Through practicing to write specialized texts such as lecture notes, academic reports, business reports, and so on, learn to write in accurate grammar and syntax.
  • Through learning Korean culture in a deeper level, have a better understanding of Korean society in general and the relationship between the culture and the language.

Maximun Class Size

The maximum class size is 20. Classes may be divided and combined for cultural study, special seminars or grammar classes.

Courses can be cancelled if the class size fails to meet our minimum class size requirement.

Attendance and Lavel Adjustment

Students will be granted a certificate for a course completed at each level for each semester. Students allowed to advance to the next level are limited to those who receive a certificate for each level, attend more than 80% of total classes and acquire certain levels of grades. If a student fails to attend more than 80% of total classes for unavoidable reasons, he/she shall submit a statement of reasons to undergo deliberation.

Tuition Fee

2020 Academic CalendarA table of 2020 academic calendar consisting of Semester, Course Duration, Placement Test(Orientation), Application and Payment Deadline (Need D-4 visa issuing), Application and Payment Deadline (No need D-4 visa issuing)
Application Fee Tuition Fee Insurance Fee Remarks
70,000 KRW 1,400,000 KRW / 1 Semester 62,000 KRW / month D-4 Visa applicants must apply for at least two semesters for visa issuance

* Application fee is not refundable

* Insurance premiums are subject to change

* International students will automatically subscribe to the National Health Insurance 6 month after their date of entrance into Korea

Field study

We have various cultural experiences every semester. Participate in local festivals or visit places where you can understand Korea to understand Korean culture. In addition, classes are held in classes, hanbok class, and traditional class.

Student experience
  • student experience1
  • student experience2
  • student experience3
  • student experience4
  • student experience5
  • student experience6
  • student experience7
  • student experience8
Cultural experience
  • cultural experience1
  • cultural experience2
  • cultural experience3
  • cultural experience4
  • cultural experience5
  • cultural experience6
  • cultural experience7
  • cultural experience8
  • cultural experience9
  • cultural experience10
  • cultural experience11
  • cultural experience12

2024 Academic Calendar

2020 Academic CalendarA table of 2020 academic calendar consisting of Semester, Course Duration, Placement Test(Orientation), Application and Payment Deadline (Need D-4 visa issuing), Application and Payment Deadline (No need D-4 visa issuing)
Semester Course Duration Placement Test(Orientation) Application and Payment Deadline
(Need D-4 visa issuing)
Application and Payment Deadline
(No need D-4 visa issuing)
2024. Spring
Mar.11. ~ May.22.
2024. Summer Jun.10. ~ Aug.16.
2024. Fall Sep.09. ~ Nov.21.
2024. Winter Dec.09. ~ 25.Feb.19.

※ The application period may end early

2025 Academic Calendar

2021 Academic CalendarA table of 2021 academic calendar consisting of Semester, Course Duration, Placement Test(Orientation), Application and Payment Deadline (Need D-4 visa issuing), Application and Payment Deadline (No need D-4 visa issuing)
Semester Course Duration Placement Test (Orientation) Application and Payment Deadline
(Need D-4 visa issuing)
Application and Payment Deadline
(No need D-4 visa issuing)
2025. Spring
Mar.10. ~ May.21.
Jan.17. Jan.31.
2025. Summer
Jun.09. ~ Aug.15.
April.18. May.02.
2025. Fall
Sep.08. ~ Nov.21.
July.18. Aug.01.
2025. Winter
Dec.08. ~ 26.Feb.13.
Oct.17. Oct.31.

※ The application period may end early