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2023 KNU Summer Program (application closed)

  • 조회수 2,020
  • 작성자 국제교류처
  • 작성일 2023.05.04

■ Thank you for your interest in the Summer Program. Please submit the attached application form  with additional documents below by  email.

① Application Form [신청서]

② Copy of passport  [여권 사본] 

③ Official Academic Transcript [대학교 성적증명서]

④ Certificate of Enrollment [대학교 재학증명서]

⑤ English Proficiency Certificate [공인 영어 성적증명서]

- This program is only for undergraduate students, so unfortunately graduate students can not join.

- If you don't have a passport now, you can send it later than April 1. However, your English name in the application form should be the same as in your future passport, such as word spacing, the order of surname and first name, alphabet, etc.

- Submission of the English proficiency certificate is not mandatory, but it can be a priority when we have more applicants than the prescribed number. Of course, students from English-speaking countries don't need to submit it.

■ Deadline: Application closed

■ Email : -

Please feel free to contact us if you have any inquiries.


■ 十分感谢您对我校 KNU Summer Program(江原大学夏季项目)的支持。如有意申请该项目,由学生本人填写申请表,并同以材料以附件形式直接发送给我们。

材料1: 申请书

材料2: 护照 扫描件 

材料3: 英文成绩证明(加盖所在单位公章) 扫描件

材料4: 在学证明/在读证明(加盖所在单位公章) 扫描件

材料5: (非必要材料-如有可以提交)英语水平证书



■申请时间:即日起至 2023年5月23日(韩国日期)

